Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Canada Link

We are starting to study Canada in Social Studies.  Students will be using this website to do a little individual research on the Chromebooks on Friday.

If any families have a connection to Canada, please share with me! I am looking for fun, interactive, hands on ways to teach this unit.

Thank you,
Miss Cornell


That's right! 
Our classroom won the color war yesterday! Students were asked to wear blue for spirit week and every single student did. We were rewarded with an ice cream treat at the end of they day.  

Way to show your school spirit!
Tomorrow is crazy hair/hat day. 
Friday is Blue and Orange day. 

Be on the look out for some important mail coming home this week: 

  • Conference request form
  • Classroom newsletter
Please read and return necessary items.  

**Special note about conferences: 

With conferences fast approaching, I wanted to let you know of a change to my conference schedule.  I will be getting married that Saturday and will be taking Friday, October 16th off.  I will also be leaving right after school on Thursday, October 15th to finalize some items.  With this, I will be hosting my conferences Monday, October 12th, Tuesday, October 13th, and Wednesday, October 14th.  You will see this change on the form attached.  If you have two or more children at Badger, please select the Monday or Tuesday option for your conference, as the other teachers in the building will not have conferences on Wednesday, just me. 
If you have any questions, please call or email me.