Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello Again...

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather this weekend. 

Please make sure to check your child's Take Home Folder a few times a week.  There are a lot of important papers coming home and it is necessary they are viewed/returned to school.  One note that came home last week was about the newsletter that I will be starting this week.  Every Friday, your child will be bringing home, or I will be emailing, a newsletter that will state information about the upcoming week. Please look for the yellow note about this and indicate whether you would like a paper copy, or if you would like the newsletter sent to you via email. 

This week is SPIRIT WEEK! I absolutely love this week of school.  It is great to see us all coming together and doing silly things to show our unity! 
The days for spirit week are:

Monday - Backwards Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday - Stuffed Animal Day (it is also Picture Day!)
Thursday - Homeroom Wars (our class will be voting on something fun to do as a homeroom and hope that we win the school-wide contest!)
Friday - Orange and Blue Day (to support Appleton West and their Homecoming game that night). 

Please encourage your child to participate in Spirit Week.  It is a lot of fun. 

Enjoy your week, and please contact me with any questions that may arise. 

Email -
Phone - (920) 832-6264 , just as to speak with Miss Cornell and you will be transferred to my room.   Lunch - 11:35-12:13 or 3:30 are the best times to catch me at my desk. 

Miss Cornell 

Friday, September 12, 2014

2 Weeks In...

Hello all,

Whew! Two weeks are complete.  We all are working on making great choices and following our classroom expectations.

We are in full swing with our first Math Unit.  We will be learning about comparing, adding, and subtracting fractions.  We are off to a great start.  I am impressed by our homework completion! We have done an excellent job finishing all of our homework assignments.  Please continue to help your child with their assignments, it is incredibly helpful.

Students are expected to read for 20 minutes every night, along with getting their reading log signed.  Reading at home is very important, it will help students build their reading skills as well as build their reading stamina.

This week, we started the Homework Room.  If students came to school without their math complete, or their reading log signed/filled in, they were required to go to the Homework Room.  This will continue throughout the school year. Homework Room runs during lunch recess Monday-Thursday and rotates between the intermediate teachers.  Starting next week, I will be leaving notes in your child's agenda stating if they had to go to the Homework Room.

This week, Scholastic Book Orders came home with your child.  If you are interested in ordering books for your child, please complete the order form and return it to school with a check made out to Scholastic, or cash.  OR... head online to and order online.  You can enter my scholastic code, MDHBW, and help supply books for our classroom library.  When you order online, I receive scholastic points.  I can then use those points to order new books! The books orders are due next week Friday, September 19th. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Cornell