Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello Again...

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather this weekend. 

Please make sure to check your child's Take Home Folder a few times a week.  There are a lot of important papers coming home and it is necessary they are viewed/returned to school.  One note that came home last week was about the newsletter that I will be starting this week.  Every Friday, your child will be bringing home, or I will be emailing, a newsletter that will state information about the upcoming week. Please look for the yellow note about this and indicate whether you would like a paper copy, or if you would like the newsletter sent to you via email. 

This week is SPIRIT WEEK! I absolutely love this week of school.  It is great to see us all coming together and doing silly things to show our unity! 
The days for spirit week are:

Monday - Backwards Day
Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday - Stuffed Animal Day (it is also Picture Day!)
Thursday - Homeroom Wars (our class will be voting on something fun to do as a homeroom and hope that we win the school-wide contest!)
Friday - Orange and Blue Day (to support Appleton West and their Homecoming game that night). 

Please encourage your child to participate in Spirit Week.  It is a lot of fun. 

Enjoy your week, and please contact me with any questions that may arise. 

Email -
Phone - (920) 832-6264 , just as to speak with Miss Cornell and you will be transferred to my room.   Lunch - 11:35-12:13 or 3:30 are the best times to catch me at my desk. 

Miss Cornell 

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