Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December Already!

Hello Families, 
Thank you for taking a look at my classroom blog.  Here are some important notes for the next few weeks of school. 

1. With winter weather in full swing, please help your child remember to wear appropriate gear.  We want all Badger students to stay healthy this winter, and staying warm outside will help that happen.

2. Your child came home with a letter about our IVECA Live Class on Tuesday, December 16th.  Please arrive to our classroom at 4:30pm to ensure that we are reading to start the Skype session right at 5:00pm.  We have been working very hard and are super excited to finally see our partners in person.

3. Another invitation will be coming home next week about our “What’s in you Closet Gallery Walk” - you received information about this when we started our Memoir unit.  Parents are welcome to come to Badger at 10:30 on December 22nd.  We will have all Memoir on display for you to view.

4. We just wrapped up our third math unit, which means that we are back to decimals for a while.  Before we jump into Unit 4, I am going to be doing two weeks of intensive review of long division and multiplication.  This is an area were most students are lacking some content knowledge.  I feel that it is best to ensure students fully understand this skill before we start multiplying and dividing double digit decimals.  You will be seeing a lot of activity pages coming home as homework instead of our math workbook. 

5. We have just a little over two weeks before winter break.  Encourage your child to do their best every day and make good choices! I have a lot of fun activities planned that will keep us very busy until break starts.

Dates to Remember:

12/9/14 – Wacky Hair Day

12/10/14 – Late Start

12/11/14 – Tom’s Drive-In Night

12/16/14 – IVECA Live Class @ 4:30

12/22/14 – What’s in Your Closet Gallery Walk 10:30
- Holiday Sing Along Concert @ 6:00pm

12/23/13 – Half Day of School

12/24/14-1/4/15 – Winter Break
School Resumes on January 5th

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