Friday, October 9, 2015

This Weeks Learning Experience

     This week we are learning...
Blog Post by: Aria and Lily 

Math: We are learning about adding, subtracting, and estimating fractions. Finish your unit test and hope to get a good grade!

Reading: We are learning about adventure books. We are also reading a book called Hatchet. And also turn in those reading logs COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.  All you have to do is have your parent/guardian sign it but don't forget the most important part... READ!!!  The back side is simple your thinking anyway all you have to do is write down your thinking.  Read read read because we also have a 40 book challenge with lots of fun field trips!
Writing:   We are writing our draft for our adventure stories. Also how to use punctuation in our story's and not just how to use them but how to use them correctly. 
Leadership - The 7 habits:  We are learning about proactive and reactive and how we want to fulfill the duty of being proactive.

 Growth mindset:  We are learning about our minds and to know how the brain helps us everyday  

                                                       And also...
Image result for 5th graders in math class

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