Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome 2016!

Hello 2016! 
Can you believe it?! 2016 is here and know I'm ready for it.  I have a lot of fun things planned for my students and am excited to see them continue to grow and develop into strong leaders during the second half of the school year (semester two starts January 18). 

I have added the newsletter below to our classroom newsletter tab. Take a look for new information, classroom updates, and dates to remember. 
We are starting a new 50 point challenge tomorrow.  The last round (40 points because of our lessened number of December school days) went quite well.  There were only a handful of students that did not reach the goal, but the majority of our class continued to display leadership skills and followed expectations all the way up until they left me at 3:16 for Winter Break.  I was incredibly impressed.  Be on the look out for a note home about the reward chosen by those who completed the challenge with success.

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